Download VSmoke Software for Windows XP and ArcGIS 9

Click here if you cannot use the GIS portion of VSmoke-GIS because the “match” and “plume” icons do not appear on the menu bar in ArcMap 9.

Please note that we are working on new versions of the sotware that will be compatible with both Windows 7 and ArcGIS 10.x.

  • Download the VSMOKE and VSMOKE-GIS interface.  The setup program is contained within a self extracting file called vsmoke_setup.exe that you will download to your computer.  Next, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the file and execute  "vsmoke_setup.exe"  This will copy (extract) the setup program to: c:\tmp\vsmoke.   Please do not change the location to where the setup program will be copied. Go to the c:\tmp\vsmoke\ directory and execute the setup.exe file and follow the directions.  Be sure to keep "c:\vsmkgs" as your download folder.  All of the necessary files will be put at the proper place on your computer.  If you get a warning message regarding Visual Basic, say "yes" to keep the most current version of the file. Depending on your Federal or State agency, you may need to have administrative privilege before the software can be installed.   USDA Forest Service users have permission (through Power Broker) to install this software. The installation also includes an extensive Help documentation, which you can operate the software.  A User Interface document (pdf file) has also been produced and it closely resembles the software Help documentation. Also the original manual for VSMOKE written by Lee Lavdas can be downloaded. 

  • Download the Forest Emissions Production Simulator (FEPS).  Instructions and the link for downloading the FEPS setup file (FEPS.msi) is found at the following website:

  •  ArcMap 9.x Users.  If you are an ArcMap (ArcGIS) user and want to see the VSMOKE-GIS results with your other spatial data then you will need to download the executable zip file called: amvsmoke.exe.  The amvsmoke.exe should be saved to the c:\My Download Files folder.  Next, follow the direction for either "Previous Users" or "First Time Users."

    Previous Users. If you are a previous user of VSMOKE-GIS and want to save you VSMOKE project with all of your layers then go to c:\vsmkgs and find the "vsmoke.mxd" file and rename it "vsmoke_bu.mxd." Next, go to c:\My Download Files and execute amvsmoke.exe.  The contents will be unzipped to the c:\vsmkgs directory.  The unzipped file contains the new vsmoke.mxd and vsmoke.mxt files, which are compatible with either ArcMap 8.x or ArcMap 9.x.  Now go to the c:\vsmkgs directory and delete the vsmoke.mxd file and then rename vsmoke_bu.mxd (your previous ArcMap project) as vsmoke.mxd.

    First Time Users. If this is the first time you are installing the VSMOKE-GIS ArcMap project then go to c:\My Download Files and execute amvsmoke.exe.  The contents will be unzipped to the c:\vsmkgs directory.  The unzipped file contains the vsmoke.mxd and vsmoke.mxt files, which are compatible with either ArcMap 8.x or ArcMap 9.x.  Also, a shape file of USDA National Forests projected as Albers will be unzipped.  You do not need to complete the next step if you do not plan to view the VSMOKE-GIS results in ArcView.

  • ArcView Users.  If you are an ArcView users and want to see the VSMOKE-GIS results with your other spatial data then you will download the executable file called: avsmoke.exe.  The avsmoke.exe should be saved to the c:\My Download Files folder.  Next, go to c:\My Download Files and execute avsmoke.exe.  The contents will be unzipped to the c:\vsmkgs directory.  Next, the smoke.avx file will need to be copied to the c:\..\Ext32 directory.  The directory on USDA Forest Service computer is located at C:\fsapps\esri\AV_GIS30\ARCVIEW\EXT32, while on other computer the directory is probably located at C:\esri\AV_GIS30\ARCVIEW\EXT32.  The user needs to remember that the projection of the data used in ArcView must in meters.


Updated: 3/5/2014